
G. G. report on the construction of a building in nº5 and 6 of C/Josep Rosell in La Massana village

G. G. report on the construction of a building in nº5 and 6 of C/Josep Rosell in La Massana village The study area corresponds to two headlands at the Nº5 and 6 of the C/Josep Rossell located in La Massana village, at altitudes between 1,233 m and 1,245 m.

The project consists of the implementation of the clearing of the plots under study to construct a building. We will have to make a cut with subvertical slopes of important dimensions (about 40 m long and 12.5 m high).

There have been two campaigns mechanical examinations, tests "in situ" and laboratory tests, one in 2004 and another in 2011.

The first campaign consisted of survey implementation 4 rotated vertical boreholes with continuous extraction witness, depths between 8 m and 9 m, made along the garden today's homes.

The campaign of 2011 was based on the implementation of two mechanical rotation to polls and continued recovery in control and 18 m depth research conducted in the same C/Josep Rossell and contacted the study plots. In both campaigns piezometer tube was placed in all probes to control the depth and variations of the water table (in the second campaign are Casagrande piezometers type). To determine the bearing capacity of soil penetration tests were performed SPT type. Undisturbed samples for test lab and characterize the geotechnical properties of the soils were also obtained.

The plots of interest have an average degree of danger in terms of shallow landslides and require specific stability study as is reflected in the "Study of geological-geotechnical zoning of the territory at 1/5000" approved by the Government of Andorra on date 02/03/05 and conducted by Euroconsult to request the Ministeri d'Urbanisme i Obres Públiques, which lists the grounds of the Principat d'Andorra in different natural hazard degrees for different mechanisms of destabilization of slopes.

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