EUROCONSULT SAU works for aiming that the quality of the offered services are an accurate reflection of each custormer’s expectations, needs and requirements, and also according to the laws and regulations applied to the laboral, environmental level and laboral prevention, securing that way the long-term success of the enterprise. So it states, declares and assumes the following principles:
The Quality of the product offered to the client and the compliance of the environmental and security requirements are the result of the activities systematically planned, classified as PREVENTION, DETECTION, CORRECTION AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT taken during the cycle of the carrying out of studies, projects and management works.
Not only the contractual demands, needs and requirements and the expectations adapted to each of our customers, but also the legal and regulatory requirements, which are being modified constantly, are the main criteria to establish a product in order to satisfy the custormers’ needs but without neglecting the legal requirements of the Andorran governmental policy, and where necessary, the neighbouring states and the regulatory Quality, Environmental and Prevention requirements.
The contractual requirements and exigencies have to be translated objectively into internal requirements, through staff meetings before offers are presented and before the beginning of each study in order to establish a set of guidelines to follow and determine if the requirements are taken or not by our enterprise. Euroconsult SAU will ensure that the service providers are enabled to abide the quality, environmental and preventive requirements.
The quality, the pollution prevention of the environment and the prevention of injuries and health impairment of the staff are a common task in all the areas of the enterprise; each one of the areas has to assume who is customer and provider of others, taking responsibility of the different tasks carried out in order to guarantee in each productive cycle the legal and regulatory compliance of environment, prevention, and the quality of the contractual works, working together in order to provide a better service and increase customer satisfaction.
The manager, the direct responsible for IMS and technical managers have to assure that the policy of Euroconsult SAU is understood, implemented and maintained up-to-date by all the staff of the enterprise. They are also responsible to assure that the responsibilities assigned to the staff are properly carried out and to promote a work environment that encourages employees to bring about continuous improvements in the Management Integrated System. The person responsible for IMS has to promote the implantation of our policy as well as the quality, environment and security aims, verifying its correct execution through audits; and all other staff has to show enough knowledge of IMS for an on-going improvement of the System.
The application of this policy requires the whole human team of the entreprise to be integrated actively. In order to do that the Management regards as priorities firsly the MOTIVATION and the QUALITY TRAINING. THE ENVIRONMENT and THE LABORAL SECURITY, and secondly the measuring and continuous assessment of processes related to IMS, and thirdly with the objective to obtain the highest level of efficiency.