Collaborating companies

L'empresa andorrana Nivorisk creada l’any 2015, ofereix els seus serveis en l’àmbit dels riscos naturals associats a la dinàmica nival. NIVORISK ofereix els serveis de redacció d’informes en base al nou reglament “Reglament de classificació i utilització dels terrenys segons la perillositat d’allaus, i de la cartografia de zonificació reglamentària de la perillositat d’allaus”, aprovat per Govern segons BOPA núm.17 de data 16 de març del 2016. Es realitzen tots i cada un dels capítols necessaris per a la descripció d’un estudi i projecte complert en aquest àmbit, incloent els projectes de proteccions i les direccions d’obra civil corresponents. D'altra banda, també es duen a terme estudis de zonificació i plans d’emergència associats, així com auditories d’informes ja existents.
El tècnic responsable és el Sr. Sergi Riba Porras, Enginyer d’Obres públiques especialitat amb hidrologia // Màster amb Recursos Hídrics// Doctorand Enginyeria Civil.
Especialista en neu i allaus amb les següents acreditacions:
  • International Advanced TrainingCourse on Snow andAvalanches. SLF (Institute for Snow andAvalancheResearch). Davos
  • (RAMMS-RAPID MAS MOVEMENT): Modelització Numèrica de corrents d’arrossegalls i allaus de neu. SLF (Institute for Snow andAvalancheResearch). Zurich.
Eurogeotecnica, was created in 1990. It is an independent and multidisciplinary enterprise which is fully consolidated both in the field of geotechnical and in tunnel engineering with solid references supporting its competence in these engineering fields.
Over time, the society has evolved and has been incorporating new specialisations such as the environment, the sounding and instrumentation of projects and Geo-Informatics and the constitution and the development of geotechnical databases and the SID systems. More broadly, it has an specialised engineering equipment required to complete engineering road transport and rail projects. The entreprise’s greatest asset is the group of people who form part of it, generating trust in our customers and promoting a harmonious teamwork spirit among the different areas of specialisation. Society focuses its continuing effort on the specialisation of soil engineering applied to the civil works, promoting constantly the research and innovation in these areas, spending a substantial part of its income to specific research projects.
The activity of our engineering office Suport E.C, S.A, has always been its commitment of civil engineering activities, such as project writing and construction management, studies, valuations and appraisals,etc. One of the most important fields of achievements is the public infrastructure works undertaken for the Andorran Government, for Andorran “Comuns” and for semi-public companies (FEDA, STA, etc).
The office also conducts other activities for promoters, for individuals, related to roads of residential complex such as that of the building.In this area, different projects of residential buildings, industrial warehouses, chalets, family homes, industrial buildings, installation buildings,etc.
Ever since it was formed in 1987 until now, in these areas of activities, the office has undertaken numerous studies and projects and the management of numerous engineering works.
At present the team is made up of 12 people, of which ten are technicians and 2 administrative employees. The office management is in charge of Mr. Josep Mª Vila Brescó, who is the founder member in 1987.
E4G (Engineering & Architecture 4 Group)
E4G is an Andorran engineering and architecture group of Companies specifically created to offer engineering and architecture services at international level. The companies comprising the group have more than 20 years of experience in various engineering and architecture specialisations and have participated in a very active way in the urban development and infrastructures that the Principality of Andorra has experienced.
The experience of each one of the companies belonging to the group allows us to offer specialised engineering and architecture services in distinct areas and disciplines related to preliminary studies, projects, management in the implementation of the works, technical assistance and ownership works, which is delegated to the management projects.
The main specialisations are urban development, layout studies, road infrastructures, urban infrastructures, (…supplies, purification works and other services in general) tunnels, architecture, geology and geotechnics, environment, installation engineering and natural hazards studies.
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