The projected works consist of excavation and support necessary for the widening of the CG1 in the road section located between PK 8 +570 and 8 +640 70 meters linear facade. With the widening the existing road widens and makes the corresponding section of sidewalk.
The final design corresponds to a complex project that could qualify as geotechnical specialty engineering - geological.
Excavations were made up and down by sections. Three rows are foreseen in the area of the wall screen for the sections of the upper wall 3 and 4 sections about 4 m high each area of rocky slope with 7 rows of anchors combined.
The excavation was carried out using a partially disassemble coluvionar soil of variable thickness (up to 5 m or 6 m depth on the slope and thicker in the area adjacent to the CG1 according to project profiles) and partially rock (generally age banded slates Cambro - Ordovician levels with presence of sandstone interspersed millimeter, without ruling out the possibility of finding some level harder sandstone and massive features).
The project envisages solution leaving about 16 m apart on the edge of building, digging with a design type 1H:3.5V and an average height of 20 m slope across the plot. This slope is expected to apply a stabilization treatment of the rock mass by shotcrete in two layers of 5 cm and 10 cm thick each interspersed with wire mesh, setting anchors with conventional bar or similar type gewi double protection diameter 40 mm previously machined variable length between 6 m and 12 m (including bulb about 5 m), and a drain system through perforations of 90 mm diameter and placement of slotted pipe or similar Netlon length of 1.5 m in the rock mass.
Above the rock slope is planning to build a concrete wall anchored (with mechanized type anchors MK4-500) executed by sections and anchors with 3 rows of variable length between 11 m and 13 m long (including 5 m bulb) in order to stabilize the soil layer is above the contact with the bedrock, which in some places could become up to 5 m thick.