Euroconsult announced experience in management of Andorra road paving NEWS

Euroconsult announced experience in management of Andorra road paving On May 11, 2015, Euroconsult presented by its Director, Mr. Joan Altimir Planes communication in the "Multi Congress Road" made in Valladolid on 11 and 12 May.
The Congress, organized by the "Association technical roads" (ATC) and "Spanish Road Association" (AEC), aimed to introduce innovations in relation to road maintenance.
In this sense, Euroconsult presented the project called "GIS Firm" has been developed by the Àrea de Pavimentació del Ministeri d'Ordenament Territorial del Govern d'Andorra, which aims to optimize the management of the firm, pavings campaigns planning and evaluation of the results over time to implement solutions for continuously improving the quality of the firm in Andorra.
The communication has served to expose management systems used in Andorra and share them with the various economic sectors and institutions that are reference in this field.


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